So you’re probably reading the title of this blog post and probably thinking….

“Him? Morgan, what the hell are you talking about?”

In the last few podcast episodes AND my last blog post, I briefly mentioned I have a new partner, Alex. Since then, many people have been asking me how we met, how we came to be, etc.

It’s about time I tell my virtual besties the story too!

When we first met, it was a little unexpected. I was still working at the restaurant as the front-house manager, and he was beginning to become a regular customer as of June of this year. Since we were still pretty short-staffed, I was hosting as well as other regular manager duties. I was always at the host stand, working, watching, and he always caught my eye.

I noticed him looking over my direction a couple of times from the booth I happened to sit him and his brother at, over three months. It was one of those things where we were both interested in each other but always asking ourselves….

“Are they interested? Do they like me? Do they think I’m cute?”

So one of us had to make a move, and neither of us made a move for three whole months. Finally, it was my last week working at the restaurant, in mid-September, and I thought to myself….

“Fuck it, it’s time.”

He came in on Friday night, and I was going around to all of the regulars’ tables that week to let them know that it was my last week at the restaurant and that it was a pleasure to serve them. I treated Alex and his brother no differently. He asked me why I was leaving and where I was going next so he could come bother me again, and we were getting more and more flirty with each other.

It just came naturally.

I checked on him when he was around the point of getting dessert, and he asked what I recommended. I was a manager at an Italian restaurant, so I asked him what he was in the mood for: rich and creamy, light and fruity, anything like that. He told me, “Whatever your favorite is, that’s what I’m in the mood for.”

We fortunately had some pretty good cannolis, so I recommended one of those, and he was excited to try one. 

Later on, the server taking care of him was a little busy, since it was a busy Friday night, so I offered to cash out Alex’s table to help her lighten her workload. I gave him his check, took a napkin band, wrote my number on it, and then wrapped it around my favorite pen for him to sign. He seemed surprised, and he ended up holding up the napkin band at the host stand while I was cleaning menus, he told me, “I can’t wait to bother you some more.” I smirked and told him I couldn’t wait for him to keep bothering me as well, and he left. It was about 7:30PM at this point. 

Switching to his point of view for a second….

He ended up going to the bar he usually visited on the weekends and asked his brother AND the bartenders when he should text me. They told him around 10PM. The restaurant was going to be closed, I was going to have time to respond, and it wouldn’t have made him look too desperate. He ended up texting me at 8PM because he “just couldn’t wait”.

Going back to me….

I was cleaning wine glasses when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I immediately knew it was him. We texted constantly over the next few days, we talked about what we both do, our goals, how he immediately started listening to the podcast as soon as I told him I had one, and we ended up planning our first date!

He took me to a FANCY ASS restaurant in Des Moines called 801 Chophouse, and he told me I didn’t have to worry about the prices because I could order….

Walking into that fancy of a place was a little intimidating for me, but he kept me pretty calm for as long as we were there, which was the biggest plus of the night. His biggest priority was making sure I felt comfortable the entire time and was having a good time, and that showed.

He’s quite the gentleman too, like I never touched a door or a check the entire night, and he even came over to my apartment afterward to meet Moscato! Moscato is pretty picky when it comes to new people in the house, but while we were watching a movie on the couch, she was cuddled up with his feet! That’s super rare of her to do, and it was another huge green flag.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch, and he woke up at 5:30AM for work. He felt bad for waking me up, but I told him it was all good and offered to make him a fresh cup of coffee. I told him to take the mug with him, so then he had an excuse to bring it back to me and see me again soon.

After that first date, the rest is history!

He still never lets me touch a check when we go out to eat, and he still opens doors for me often. We adopted a kitten together named Noir (you can see pics of her on my Instagram page @nointernalmonologue_podcast, we’re moving into a bigger house together within the next few months, and he’s already met some of my friends, and both sides of my family.

Needless to say, I haven’t heard a bad word about him yet, so that’s a really good sign!

I’ve also met some of his family members (he has a bigger family than I do, so meeting ALL of them will take a bit more time lol) as well as some of his friends. As far as I’m aware, I’m also in the clear. Alex hasn’t said anything about any of his family members or friends not liking me, so that’s a good sign!

The best thing about this is we’re both happy….

….and this is honestly the healthiest relationship I’ve been in.

It’s quite shocking to be in a healthy relationship after everything I’ve been through, but it’s a good kind of shock. I honestly ask the universe sometimes what I did to deserve such a good person in my life, but either way, I vow to myself to never, ever take this or him for granted. He’s too good of a human to take for granted. I’m glad we get to appreciate each other every day, despite our ups and downs.


I think that’s the story for now, besties! I can’t wait to update you more on actual No Internal Monologue stuff next month! Toodaloo, buckaroos! <3