It’s our second birthday today, AND the website is officially launched (after working on it and not knowing what I was doing for about a year lol)! 

It’s crazy to me that two years have gone by so quickly! I continue to sit in front of a microphone and talk about whatever I want, whatever sparks passion, whatever gets me angry, sad, nostalgic, silly, all of the emotions you could possibly think of, and it never gets boring to me! It’s truly a blessing to be able to do what I love to do, to think of brand new ideas on how to help others and express myself day after day. 

I’ve truly found my purpose within No Internal Monologue….

and I am eternally grateful for every single person, place, or thing that has made this possible for me! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! 

So much has happened in the past two years, specifically from March 12th, 2022 to today: March 12th, 2023! I was able to start getting paid to do this show, I’ve released my first official collection of merchandise with a small business that I love so dearly, I was able to win Honorable Mention for Best Podcast Series from ICMA for the second year in a row, I have a Disrupt Magazine article written about me, I’ve been recognized by some of you guys?!, I have interviewed fellow creatives, TikTok and Instagram creators, close friends and family, mixed martial artists, and I was able to chat it up with close friends and family! The topics we’ve covered and the accomplishments I’m able to proudly share are truly a party mix of a collection, and I cannot wait to talk about and accomplish so much more in the future! 

Speaking of the future, what’s next?? 

Tonight, March 12th, 2023, I am hosting a celebration for the podcast’s 2nd birthday! I’m currently getting our in-person location ready to go for the open house, which is happening from 6PM to 9PM (Central Standard Time). If you’re in the Midwest, or in Iowa specifically, and you’d like to come out, you are more than welcome to do so! We have cute cupcakes, we have fun punch, we have a chocolate fountain (there’s a fun story behind that one lol), and we have our little mascot, Moscato, joining us this year!

But Morgan?! What if we wanna celebrate and can’t make it in person?! Of course, I can’t forget about my long-distance besties!!

There’s a Zoom event that’s happening from 6PM to 9PM (Central Standard Time) happening as well! The meeting ID is 828 398 1902, and the passcode is NIM2ND. I would love to see as many of you celebrating with me as possible because without all of your support and love, who knows if I’d be where I am today?! 

Where are we planning to go within the next year?! Do you have any special projects coming up?!

The answer is YES!! Let me tell you all about it!!

I recently got an iPad, and I’m currently figuring out how to use Procreate as we speak! I already have my first sticker design completed, and I am in the process of coming up with more ideas as well as designing business cards, post cards, finding packaging, and ordering everything! After that, I’ll take product photos, list my stickers up on the website, and I’ll start selling my own little baby collection of merch!! I’m so flipping excited to show you what I have in store for you!

If you’d like a hint as to what the sticker I’ve already designed looks like, it’s already all over the website! 😉

On top of this, I am saving up to purchase the supplies necessary to create my private podcasting studio, which will in turn help me launch my Patreon and YouTube pages! My goal is to get everything ready to go to post the VERY FIRST VIRTUAL EPISODE on YouTube the week of Episode 101, the second season of the show!! 

I’m also going to take one of the photos from the AMAZING photoshoot from @lomanized on Instagram and TikTok, and I’m going to design new cover art for the show!! Again, my goal is to have this done and to have it ready by Episode 101! I’m spiffing up the branding and look a little bit, and it feels so good to glow up and have a little makeover!

The last update I want to give you is an idea I have that I think a lot of you may be super down for! 

On Episode 88, you may remember how Piper (my little sister) and I are thinking of starting up a podcast of our own! This podcast will be included in the No Internal Monologue umbrella! It would be super rude of me to only hold two shows under this umbrella, so I’m thinking of inviting other shows to also be under this umbrella!! 

I’d love to invite other podcasts to join the No Internal Monologue family! 

I’m already starting to brainstorm creators to reach out to in the future to see if they’d be down to join us at No Internal Monologue Studios (a name that gives me chills every time I say and see it btw). At this point, when it comes to the logistics as to if we add new subpages to this website for all of these shows or if we’d make a page full of links to their OWN websites they may create in the future, I’m still unsure! If anyone has ideas or would love to comment on which podcasts they listen to that reminds them of No Internal Monologue, please do! I’d love to hear constructive feedback! 

These are currently all of the updates I have for you, all compiled into a chunky ass first blog post. 

I hope you enjoyed reading all the way through, and I can’t wait to see what this next year brings for us! We strive to get better and better with each passing year, and I can already see that the third year of the show will be no different! 

Thank you, again, so much for all of your endless love and support for me and No Internal Monologue and everything this chaotic mind brainstorms on the daily! You seriously have no idea how much this means to me. I feel like I can’t say it enough! 

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Tootaloo, buckaroos! <3